Sunday, December 7, 2008

Other Benefits of Testosterone

Testosterone supplementation helps boys and men with Klinefelter syndrome immensely, but it also benefits people with other conditions:
  • Men of all ages apply natural testosterone cream to enhance their sexual performance
  • Body builders apply natural testosterone cream to enhance their muscle mass and strength
  • AIDS patients apply natural testosterone cream to curtail unwanted weight loss and muscle wasting
  • Post operative patients apply natural testosterone cream to help them recover from surgery, trauma injuries, or anemia from blood loss, because testosterone encourages the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow
  • Osteoporosis patients apply natural testosterone cream to slow bone loss and build replacement bone
  • Cancer patients who have had their testicles removed apply natural testosterone cream to compensate for the loss
  • Depressed patients apply natural testosterone cream to improve their mood and concentration
  • Androgen Deficient Ageing Males (ADAM) and late-onset hypogonadal males apply natural testosterone cream to combat their:
  1. Changes in mood (fatigue, depression, anger)
  2. Decreased body hair (feminization)
  3. Decreased bone mineral density and possible resulting osteoporosis
  4. Decreased lean body mass and muscle strength
  5. Decreased libido and erectile quality
  6. Increased abdominal fat
  7. Rudimentary breast development (man boobs or gynecomastia)
  8. Low or zero sperm in the semen
Women take reduced-dose testosterone to treat poor libido. This is a common “off-label” practice among doctors in the USA and Europe, where no testosterone product is officially approved for use by women.

The situation in Australia is distinctly different. Lawley Pharmaceuticals produces a 1% testosterone cream (Andro-Feme®), tailored especially for women. Andro-Feme® is by far the most popular testosterone treatment option for use in women because it involves no surgery, no pain, is applied by the woman in the privacy of her own home, and the dose is accurately controlled.

Andro-Feme is available for distribution worldwide from the Lawley Pharmacy website -

Lowering Testosterone

You may inadvertently lower your testosterone level by consuming foods containing too much protein and too few carbohydrates. If you go on a fad diet with too many carbs and too little fat, it can deplete testosterone. You can marginally increase your testosterone level with exercise. To produce enough testosterone, your body requires the:
  • Minerals boron and zinc
  • Vitamins A, B6, and C
  • Branched Chain Amino-acids (BCAA) valine, isoleucine, and leucine